Relative computability and uniform continuity of relations
A type-2 computable real function is necessarily continuous; and this remains true for relative, i.e. oracle-based, computations. Conversely, by the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, every continuous f:[0,1]→ℝ is computable relative to some oracle.
In their search for a similar topological characterization of relatively computable multi-valued functions f:[0,1]⇒ℝ (aka relations), Brattka and Hertling (1994) have considered two notions: weak continuity (which is weaker than relative computability) and strong continuity (which is stronger than relative computability). Observing that uniform continuity plays a crucial role in the Weierstrass Theorem, we propose and compare several notions of uniform continuity for relations. Here, due to the additional quantification over values y∈f(x), new ways arise of (linearly) ordering quantifiers — yet none turns out as satisfactory.
We are thus led to a concept of uniform continuity based on the Henkin quantifier; and prove it necessary for relative computability of compact real relations. In fact iterating this condition yields a strict hierarchy of notions each necessary — and the ω-th level also sufficient — for relative computability.
In their search for a similar topological characterization of relatively computable multi-valued functions f:[0,1]⇒ℝ (aka relations), Brattka and Hertling (1994) have considered two notions: weak continuity (which is weaker than relative computability) and strong continuity (which is stronger than relative computability). Observing that uniform continuity plays a crucial role in the Weierstrass Theorem, we propose and compare several notions of uniform continuity for relations. Here, due to the additional quantification over values y∈f(x), new ways arise of (linearly) ordering quantifiers — yet none turns out as satisfactory.
We are thus led to a concept of uniform continuity based on the Henkin quantifier; and prove it necessary for relative computability of compact real relations. In fact iterating this condition yields a strict hierarchy of notions each necessary — and the ω-th level also sufficient — for relative computability.
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Journal of Logic and Analysis ISSN: 1759-9008