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Issue Title
Vol 10 (2018) Banach spaces from barriers in high dimensional Ellentuck spaces Abstract   5. [PDF]
Alvaro Arias, Natasha Dobrinen, Gabriel Girón-Garnica, José G. Mijares
Vol 9 (2017) Cardinal invariants of strongly porous sets Abstract   6. [PDF]
Osvaldo Guzmán, Michael Hrušák, Arturo Martinez-Celis
Vol 4 (2012) Cell decomposition for semiaffine structures on p-adic fields Details   14. [PDF]
Eva Leenknegt
Vol 9 (2017) Clarke's generalized gradient and Edalat's L-derivative Abstract   C1. [PDF]
Peter Hertling
Vol 6 (2014) Compactness of ωλ for λ singular Abstract   2. [PDF]
Paolo Lipparini
Vol 2 (2010) Complex spaces and nonstandard schemes Details   9. [PDF]
Adel Khalfallah, Siegmund Kosarew
Vol 14 (2022) Computability of convergence rates in the ergodic theorem for Martin-Löf random points Abstract   2. [PDF]
George Davie
Vol 12 (2020) Computing the exponent of a Lebesgue space Abstract   7. [PDF]
Timothy McNicholl
Vol 3 (2011) Constructive reverse investigations into differential equations Details   8. [PDF]
Hannes Diener, Iris Loeb
Vol 2 (2010) Constructive theory of Banach algebras Details   11. [PDF]
Thierry Coquand, Bas Spitters
Vol 11 (2019) Constructive uniformities of pseudometrics and Bishop topologies Abstract   FT2. [PDF]
Iosif Petrakis
Vol 9 (2017) Continuity, computability, constructivity: from logic to algorithms 2014 (Preface to the special issue: Continuity, Computability, Constructivity: From Logic to Algorithms 2014) Details   C0. [PDF]
Andrej Bauer, Ulrich Berger, Willem Fouché, Dieter Spreen, Hideki Tsuiki, Martin Ziegler
Vol 5 (2013) Convergence in formal topology: a unifying notion Details   2. [PDF]
Francesco Ciraulo, Maria Emilia Maietti, Giovanni Sambin
Vol 4 (2012) Convergence results for function spaces over o-minimal structures Details   1. [PDF]
Margaret E M Thomas
Vol 3 (2011) Conway names, the simplicity hierarchy and the surreal number tree Details   1. [PDF]
Philip Ehrlich
Vol 15 (2023) Corrigendum: covering entropy for types in tracial W*-algebras Details   2'. [PDF]
David Jekel
Vol 15 (2023) Covering entropy for types in tracial W*-algebras Abstract   2. [PDF]
David Jekel
Vol 1 (2009) Decomposition of terms in Lucas sequences Details   4. [PDF]
Abdelmadjid Boudaoud
Vol 12 (2020) Degrees of and lowness for isometric isomorphism Abstract   6. [PDF]
Johanna N.Y. Franklin, Timothy H. McNicholl
Vol 2 (2010) Description of locally finite families from a nonstandard point of view Details   2. [PDF]
Ulf Clotz
Vol 7 (2015) Differential geometry via infinitesimal displacements Abstract   5. [PDF]
Tahl Nowik, Mikhail G. Katz
Vol 12 (2020) Differentiating convex functions constructively Abstract   8. [PDF]
Hannes Diener, Matthew Hendtlass
Vol 1 (2009) Diffusion processes via parabolic equations: an infinitesimal approach to Lindeberg’s limit theorem Details   2. [PDF]
Heinz Weisshaupt
Vol 5 (2013) Discretisations of higher order and the theorems of Faà di Bruno and DeMoivre-Laplace Abstract   6. [PDF]
Imme van den Berg
Vol 5 (2013) Dynamic Newton-Puiseux theorem Abstract   5. [PDF]
Bassel Mannaa, Thierry Coquand
26 - 50 of 148 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>